Secret Santa: Homemade Hampers on a Budget


Secret Santa is a great way of saving time and money: with only one friend to consider, and a set price-limit, everyone has a decent shot at buying something your giftee will truly appreciate. But how easy is it to find meaningful gifts on a student budget?

Go to the effort of making something yourself, and it will always go down a treat. It can also, surprisingly, be more affordable – shops will always charge more for gift-wrapped products!

Here are SCAN’s favourite ideas to make your Secret Santa feel special:

Photo gifts: Capturing fond memories with your Secret Santa is always a good shout for a Christmas present. There are plenty of apps that allow you to print photos for free, and picture frames or albums can be bought from any homeware shops. They can spruce up a space on desks, shelves, bookcases, walls, to make a student bedroom feel more like home. It’ll make your Secret Santa feel instantly loved and appreciated, so if that’s the angle you’re looking for, have a scroll through your camera roll! Make sure you use the cute photos, and the not-so-cute photos – the most awful often hold the best memories.

Food hampers: Anything can look pretty in a basket! Hot chocolate hampers are a Christmas classic: your Secret Santa’s favourite powder, with marshmallows, whipped cream, and perhaps a Christmas stencil for extra flair. If the budget allows, a cute Christmas mug would wrap it up nicely, as a keepsake! Alternatively, pick a food you know they love – the one they’re teased for eating excessive amounts of – and go to town with a basket full of it! A chocolate bar, a particular cheese, a fiver’s worth of Pot Noodles: whatever your Secret Santa loves most.

Self-Made Pamper Set: What does self-care look like for your Secret Santa? This gift is so versatile, as you can add to your basket whatever you know they love. Face masks, fluffy socks, nail polish, shower sets, bath bombs – even little bottles of alcohol and their favourite sweets can be thrown in! Personalise it in a way that gives them no choice but to relax; at this time of year, they probably deserve a pampering. For extra craft points, buy some pipe cleaners and pompoms to decorate the basket, or wrap tinsel around the handle.

Secret Santa is always a great idea, particularly in larger friendship groups, but the practicality of buying the presents can become tricky. Or, if you have drawn a name you’re not quite familiar with, these options are a universal crowd pleaser- with these homemade hampers, you can treat your bestie without breaking the bank, and ace Secret Santa this Christmas.

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